Club Resources
Club Resources
Want to Start a Club?
To start a club, you need a club constitution and a minimum of four students. Club registration is during the first 6-8 weeks of the semester. You must fill out a New Club Application Form in Mountain Lion Connect.
Need Funding?
Clubs are able to access the Student Activity Fee to help fund your initiatives! This process starts by submitting a Funding Proposal in Mountain Lion Connect.
Club Constitution Template
To start a club, you will need to submit a Club Constitution. Download this template to get started!
Club & Organization Handbook
Requirements to Create a Club
The first step to starting any club is to make sure that a similar club does not already exist. If a similar club is not already active on campus you can create a club that fits your club's mission and purpose.
The club's mission statement is a statement of purpose of the club and its reason for existing. The mission statement should consist of three essential components.
- Your key market – the types of students you are trying to reach
- The contribution you will provide the university, students, and/or campus
- Distinction: what makes your club unique compared to the rest at the University?
Club Activity must adhere to UCCS policy, the Student Code of Conduct, as well as the local, state, and federal law.
Process to create a club
To create a club you need at least four currently enrolled UCCS students: two general members, and two club officers. Club membership must be open to any and all interested students at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
Officers are those who have the responsibility of representing the club. Officers have access to reserve space on campus with Event Services and are responsible for gaining approvals and submitting paper work on behalf of the club to Student Life & Leadership. Officers are the people who have a position of authority in a hierarchical organization. Officer roles should be outlined in the club's constitution.
Members are students who are in a club and contribute in decisions and ideas, without holding an officer role. You need a minimum of two UCCS students members to start a new club. Membership is open to all students, and participation may not be limited.
A club's constitution is a document of principles, established procedures and structure of the club. The purpose of a club constitution is to serve as a guiding document when addressing any concerns or issues a club may have now or in the future. A constitution should include information on membership requirements, officer roles, officer election and removal process, financial decision-making processes, and any other information that is vital to the club's existence.
See Club Constitution Template above on Club Resources main page.This can be edited to best fit your organizational needs.
When can I create a club?
Club creation is during the first 6-8 weeks of both the Fall and Spring semesters, exact dates vary each year. Please call the Student Life & Leadership Desk for the current date at (719)-255-3470.
After the registration deadline, you will need to wait until the next semester to register your club.
Registration and Renewal Process
Registering a New Club
One club officer fills out the New Club Application form on Mountain Lion Connect in the Student Life & Leadership portal under forms. The New Club Application form will be reviewed by Student Life & Leadership and the club will be contacted by the Coordinator of Student Clubs, Organizations and Leadership Programming once their application has been approved.
Once a club has been contacted by Student Life & Leadership with notice that their club has been approved, the club officers will need to sign-up for a date to complete club training.
Students should RSVP via Mountain Lion Connect and to the Coordinator of Student Clubs, Organizations and Leadership Programming in the Student Life & Leadership office. A portal will be created for the club at training and once the club officers complete the training, the club will be registered with the Student Life & Leadership office.
Renewing Your Club
Clubs can submit their renewal form in Mountain Lion Connect by going to your club portal page (if your club portal has been disabled, please contact Student Life & Leadership at studlife@uccs.edu or 719-255-3470).
To renew your club:
- Click on settings (right hand side of screen) and click on Organization Settings (if you don’t see Organization Settings, contact Student Life & Leadership).
- Click on profile on the left hand side of the screen and click the “Update and Renew Profile” button.
The renewal form will ask you to update your club officers and members.
Mountain Lion Connect (MLC)
MLC training
Both new club officers and returning club officers are welcome and encouraged to attend the new club officer trainings that are scheduled throughout the new club application timeline through Mountain Lion Connect (MLC). These trainings will cover the process and procedures for events, club finances, and Mountain Lion Connect to ensure students have a strong understanding of these processes and the changes from last year.
If you are a returning club and would like officers to attend this training, please send an email to studlife@uccs.edu with the club name, officer names, title, and emails, so Student Life & Leadership can reach out to them with the training schedule to set up a time.
New Club officers must attend the training to gain access to their Mountain Lion Connect Portal.
Updating club profiles
Clubs need to update their club profiles in MLC if any club profile information is changing. This includes, but not limited to:
- Club officer and/or advisor changes
- Adding/editing a club profile picture
- Club name and/or club description changes
- Changes in club meeting time and/or location
- Changes in club membership dues
- Clubs have social media and need to fill out a Club/Org Social Media application
All clubs will also need to update their club profiles in August of each year if their club would like to be have an active academic year. Exact deadline dates change annually, so confirm dates with the Student Life & Leadership Desk Staff.
Club Recognition
What is it?
This is additional status granted to a club. Recognized clubs are establish clubs whose on-campus activities are closely aligned with the mission of the University. The benefits include:
- The use of “UCCS” in club name
- The use of the UCCS logo
- Ability to use the university tax ID #
Recognition does increase the General Administrative Recharge (GAR) to an 8% tax rate on purchases and requires annual reporting. Registered clubs GAR is only 2%.
- At least 10 Student members
- A full-time UCCS Faculty or staff advisor
- Close affiliation with a department or the college as a whole OR the club furthers the interests of the university through service or athletics
If your club is interested in seeking recognition status, complete the Club Recognition application in Mountain Lion Connect.
Club Speedtype (On-Campus Accounts)
What is it?
A speedtype is an on-campus account provided to clubs to help keep track of finances.
The speedtype is for clubs collecting dues, fundraising for money and/or looking to spend money throughout the academic year.
Speedtypes are required if the club is financially active. Not all clubs have or need a speedtype.
Off-campus accounts
Off-campus accounts are not allowed! Please contact the Student Life & Leadership Desk with questions.
Speedtypes are subjected to a General Administrative Recharge (GAR). GAR is an additional amount charged to every expense from a club’s speedtype. Registered clubs will be charged a GAR of 2%. Recognized clubs will be charged a GAR of 8.75%.
If a club purchases something for $10.00, the amount deducted from a registered club’s speedtype would be $10.20 ($10 + 2%). The amount deducted from a recognized club’s speedtype would be $10.88 ($10 + 8.75%).
To set up a speedtype, a club officer should send an email to Amandine Habben at ahabben@uccs.edu.
Club Cash
What is it?
Club Cash is a $100 per academic year fund that can be used for club related expenses such as supplies, printing and event expenses. Clubs can use Club Cash via reimbursement or having Student Life & Leadership purchase on their behalf. These funds are not deposited into individual club speedtypes. Club Cash is allocated by the Student Government Association in their yearly budget process and is available for use on a first come, first serve basis until allotted funds are dispersed. These funds are available for use each academic year and must be used by the end of the Spring semester. The funds do not carry over to the next academic year.
For example:
A club needs to make color copies of a poster to advertise an event. The club member goes to the copy center and places an order. They pay for the order out-of-pocket. The club member brings the original, itemized receipt to the Student Life & Leadership office and fills out a reimbursement form. The club member will then be reimbursed using the Club Cash speedtype.
If your club has a club speedtype, this expense will not be deducted from the club speedtype.
If a club does not have a speedtype, Club Cash allows clubs to have access to funds.
Checking balances
Check your club’s Club Cash balance at the Student Life & Leadership front desk.
Student Government Association (SGA) Funding
What is it?
During SGA’s yearly budget process, they allocate funds for club activities. Clubs are able to request from these funds on a first come, first serve basis until the allotted funds are depleted. All requests for funds should be submitted a minimum 3 weeks prior to the date needed. These funds must be used by the end of the Spring semester and do not carry over to the next academic year.
Money is allotted in various categories based on the club’s request.
A club is awarded $100 to spend on catering. This $100 should only be used to pay for catering. If the catering expense is only $50, the remaining $50 cannot be spent on anything else.
Maximum awarded amounts
Clubs can receive up to $3,000 per academic year in SGA funds. Of the $5,000, only $2,000 can be for any club travel. SGA has a limit on the amount of funds that can be used for travel each year. Please check the SGA Funding guidelines for more information.
- Submit SGA Funding Proposal form on Mountain Lion Connect, including bids/quotes.
- Attend a Budget Advisory Council meeting (BAC). The Student Director of Finance will contact the person that submitted the form to let them know which meeting to attend.
The individual that attends the meeting does not necessarily have to be the same person that submitted the form in Mountain Lion Connect, but should be a club member who is familiar with the event details and the funding proposal so they can answer questions.
- Attend Student Government Senate meeting (SGA).
This is not required, but highly recommended. Meetings are scheduled Thursdays at 7:30 pm in the University Center. Check the SGA Calendar to confirm meeting times.
Deposit Process
As a club you may or may not have a speedtype number. A speedtype is not automatically given to every club. It is where your club can deposit funds from things like fundraising or dues. If you need a speedtype, contact Amandine Habben at ahabben@uccs.edu to let her know your club needs one.
When you have money to deposit, someone from your club should come to the Student Life & Leadership office. Once in the office, they will need to get a deposit form from the Club Resources Wall and fill it out. The form does need to be filled out completely.
Information needed to fill out the form:
- Club name
- Name of the person making the deposit
- Phone number to be reached at
- Description of what will be deposited
- The amount to be deposited
- The speedtype number of the account it will be deposited into
- Signature of the person making the deposit
Once the form is filled out the Student Life & Leadership staff will stamp the back of any checks you have for deposit and write the speedtype number on the back of the check. They will then make two copies of the form.
The original form and a copy will go with you to the bursar’s office or cashier office. One copy will stay in the Student Life & Leadership office for their records.
Now you will take your forms and your money to be deposited to the bursars or the cashier’s office where they will take the original form and the money to be deposited.
The bursars or cashiers office is located in Main Hall on the second floor next to Student Success.
To find out how much money is in your account, ask the front desk staff and they can pull up that information using your speedtype number. If you do not know your speedtype number, they can get it for you. Please note that general financial information is only shared with specified club officers.
Reimbursements and Processes
An original, itemized receipt is REQUIRED for all reimbursements.
Receipts need to include
- Vendor name, address, and phone number
- Each item purchased and the cost
- Total amount paid and by what method (cash, Credit Card etc.)
- If being reimbursed for a restaurant meal, both receipts are needed. The itemized receipt and the receipt that shows how you paid and the total amount paid, including tip
- You cannot tip more than 20%, anything over that will be out of your own pocket
- You cannot pay for alcohol with club money
- If you go to a store to get supplies for an event, anything you personally purchase needs to be in a separate transaction. So, you will need one receipt of your personal purchases, one for the club and one for what you can be reimbursed for
Petty Cash reimbursement process:
- Used to reimburse up to $100 in expenses
- Original, itemized receipts are required
- Approval process: Generally 2-3 business days
- Bring receipt(s) to the Student Life & Leadership office and fill out a Petty Cash reimbursement form
- Student Life staff will review form and once approved, Student Life & Leadership desk staff will call you to come pick up the form
- Take the form to the Bursar’s Office and receive cash for expense paid
Non-employee reimbursement
Used to reimburse expenses that are over $100.
1. Bring receipt(s) to Student Life & Leadership office and fill out a Non-Employee reimbursement information form.
2. Student Life & Leadership staff will complete the CU Non-Employee Reimbursement form on behalf of the student. Student Life & Leadership desk staff will call when form is filled out and the student will need to come into the office to sign it.
3. The Student Life & Leadership Director of Student Clubs, Organizations and Leadership reviews and signs the form.
4. The Program Assistant sends the form to the Procurement Service Center (central office in Denver) for processing.
5. A check will be mailed to the student within 14 business days.
Travel expenses
Reimbursement for travel expenses is available. Eligible expenses include:
- Airfare
- Lodging
- Mileage
- Meals while traveling
The approval process is generally 14 business days. Please remember that all travel is considered a non-employee reimbursement.
Both reimbursement forms are available in the Student Life & Leadership office- these forms are NOT available on Mountain Lion Connect.
President’s Fund
The President’s Fund is funding to support student programs, events and travel that contribute to the advancement of campus diversity efforts at UCCS.
Examples of eligible activities:
- Diversity related exhibits and performances
- Celebrations that enhance the university community’s knowledge
- Travel that promotes students professional development
More information and the funding application can be found in the Student Life & Leadership Club/ Organization Help and Resources portal in Mountain Lion Connect.
Auxiliary Services Donations
What is it?
UCCS Dining and Food Services and UCCS Bookstore donations.
Required qualifications
Event must be free and open to the campus community.
The form is located within the event form on Mountain Lion Connect and should be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to event date.
Maximum awarded amounts
- Bookstore: $100 per academic year
- Funds do not have to be spent all at once
- Unused funds do not carry forward to the following year
What is an Event?
A club event is any club event that is not a club meeting. A club meeting is a meeting that occurs on a frequent basis and primarily consists of only club members conducting regular club business.
Examples of club events include dances, races, concerts, lectures, day trips or fundraisers.
Event Registration Process
Where can I register my event?
Registering an event requires filling out an event registration form.
To do so:
- Log onto Mountain Lion Connect, go to your club’s portal and click on the Events tab.
- Once there, click the green “Create an Event” button.
- Click “Share on the Student Life & Leadership Calendar”.
When is the Event Registration form required?
The form must be filled out for any club event that is not a regular club meeting.
- Only one form should be submitted per each event
- The form MUST be submitted 3 weeks before the event
Depending on the event, it is generally not recommended to submit the form earlier than a month in advance. However, you may submit a form for an event up to a year in advance.
What info is needed to fill out the Event Registration form?
- Event name, date, time(s) and location
- Tentative space reservation with Event Services
- Event details (What is happening at this event?)
- Financial details (How is this event being funded; what supplies must be purchased; does a speaker/presenter need to be paid, etc.)
What happens after I submit the Event Registration form?
The form is sent to the Student Life & Leadership office for approval. The length of time for the approval process varies depending on the event; however, events generally take a week to get approved once the form has been submitted.
Event Contract Policy/Process
What is it?
For events with a performer or vendor, a contract outlining the fees to be paid to the performer/vendor may be needed. The contract should be submitted to the Student Life & Leadership office along with your Event Registration form.
Submit the contract to Student Life & Leadership for approval (may take up to a month to process)
- DO NOT SIGN THE CONTRACT YOURSELF. It will obligate you, as an individual, to pay the performer or vendor
- Paying as an individual will not be reimbursed
Any further questions about contracts can be directed to the Student Life & Leadership office.
Event Advertising
An event must be approved before a club can begin advertising for it. See Section 6 of this handbook for information on advertising once your event has been approved.
Scheduling Space
Event Services is responsible for scheduling all spaces on-campus (except the computer labs). These spaces include classrooms, the University Center meeting rooms, the Lodge, outdoor spaces and the lobby areas of our buildings.
Space requests should be made online using Kx Calendar, which can be accessed at http://uccskx.uccs.edu/Client/Home/Index.
Only club officers may schedule space on behalf of a club. All clubs are allowed to schedule 25 spaces per semester for free. One, and only one, of these spaces can be a larger space (Berger Hall, Gallogy or the Upper Lodge). To schedule a room, your event must be free to attend and must take place within regular building hours. If the event goes past building hours, there will be a fee.
If you need to cancel your event for any reason, you must notify Event Services beforehand.
Event Services can be contacted by phone at 719-255-3471, or email at events@uccs.edu. Their office is located in room 103 in University Center (across the hall from the Student Life & Leadership office).
What if my club wants to schedule more than 25 spaces?
If a club has exceeded its 25 free spaces limit, it can submit an appeal for more spaces.
To submit an appeal:
- Log onto Mountain Lion Connect.
- Once there, navigate to the Club/Organization Help & Resource portal.
- Locate the “Club Request for Additional Space” form.
- Fill out the form. You will be required to state the rationale for your club needing more space.
- Submit the completed form.
Once the form is submitted, a committee made up of faculty, staff and students will review it and come to a decision. The club will be then be informed of the committee’s decision.
For questions regarding this process, contact Event Services.
What if my club wants to schedule a larger space more than once a semester?
Follow the same appeals process outlined above.
Club Fees
Fees are handled by Event Services and are event specific. If your event is on-campus and free to attend, your club generally will not be charged a fee for the room. Clubs will be charged fees if they are charging admission for their event; if the room reserved is damaged or needs extra clean-up by Event Services; and/or if their event is taking place outside of normal building hours.
If University Policies are not followed, a fee may be charged to your club.
The number one policy is “If you charge, we charge.”
- If you are charging students to attend your event or are selling a product or service for a fundraiser, you will be paying for the room and/or table that will be used.
Cleanup and damage
If you leave the room or area where your event took place dirty, you will be charged.
- NO FIRE HAZARDS, GLITTER OR CONFETTI. If any of these are used, there will be a fee and your club will be made to clean up the area
- The UCCS candle policy must be observed and followed. This policy can be found in the UCCS Student Handbook
- If there is damage to the walls, paint, furniture or equipment during your event, your club will be held responsible and charged a fee depending on damage
- If anything is stolen from the University during your event, your club will be held responsible and charged a fee depending on the object(s) taken
Meetings must begin and end during normal building hours to avoid any additional fees. If your event runs over, your club will be charged a fee. This is done to compensate any building staff that may be inconvenienced by your event running late.
If you make significant changes to your club’s reservation less than 72 hours before an event, your club will be charged a fee. If you club cancels an event without informing Event Services, or does not show up to a scheduled event, your club may have its scheduling privileges revoked.
Policies for information tables
You must reserve these tables ahead of time. Reservations are available on a first-come, first-served basis. You may reserve an unlimited amount of these tables throughout the year.
Policies for fundraising tables
You must reserve these tables ahead of time. Use of these tables requires payment of a $10 charge per table, per day. If these tables will be used to sell merchandise, you will first need approval from Student Life & Leadership before reserving a table (this can be done through the Event Registration Form on Mountain Lion Connect). Any food being sold MUST be pre-packaged. Bake sales or self-made products are not allowed.
Tabling in University Center
There are two spaces by Café 65 (these spaces are only available if there is no event in Berger Hall on the day you wish to reserve). There are also two spaces by Sanatorium Grounds.
Tabling across campus
Reserve tables and chairs with Event Services.
If food is being served at an event, your club is required to use UCCS Dining and Food Services.
Catering orders may be placed at the same time space is being scheduled. Questions about catering should be directed to Event Services: events@uccs.edu
The catering menu can be found at https://diningservices.uccs.edu/catering.
Catering policies
Clubs must use UCCS Dining and Food Services for all events. Clubs may request permissions to use an off-campus caterer through the Event Registration Form. Permission may be granted in cases where food is donated by another vendor, or if Dining Services is unable to provide specific menu items essential to the event.
Use of UCCS Dining and Food Services is not required if clubs wish to provide snack food at club meeting. Examples of snack food include chips and salsa, donuts, sandwiches, and food that does not require chilling or heating.
Finances to Remember
Think about the costs of hosting an event early in the planning process. These costs include funding sources, what supplies must be purchased, and if any individuals/speakers at your event will require appearance fees.
Remember: DO NOT SIGN ANY CONTRACTS. If you as an individual sign a contract, you will be obligated to pay any costs and fulfill any responsibilities of the contract.
Club members are not allowed reimbursement for paying individuals out of pocket. All payments to individuals MUST be processed through the Student Life & Leadership office.
Event Risk Management
Refer to the CU guide for Event and Activity Planning with Risks: http://cu.edu/risk/event-activity-planning-0.
The Student Life & Leadership staff is the approving department for all club related risk management approvals.
Travel Policy
A club activity is considered travel if club members are traveling out of state and/or need overnight accommodations. The following steps need to be completed in order for Student Life & Leadership to approve club travel:
- Submit the Student Travel Application in Mountain Lion Connect at least three weeks prior to travel date
- The Student Life & Leadership Program Assistant will contact the club to discuss the Student Travel Application, schedule the pre-trip meeting and answer any questions about making travel arrangements. The pre-trip meeting must occur prior to any university funds spent for travel.
- All club members that are traveling will be required to attend a pre-trip meeting with Student Life & Leadership and/or Dean of Students staff; this meeting MUST take place at least two weeks prior to the travel date
- All club members that are traveling will also be required to fill out a travel waiver in Mountain Lion Connect, completed a minimum of two weeks prior to the travel date. All travel waivers must be submitted prior to any university funds spent for travel.
Club travel requests will NOT be approved by the Student Life & Leadership office if the above requirements are not met. Individual club members that do not attend the pre-trip meeting and/or complete a travel waiver in Mountain Lion Connect will not be approved to travel with the club. If club travel is not approved by the Student Life & Leadership office, the club will be unable to use any university resources, including funding, for trip-related expenses. These university resources include, but are not limited to: club speedtype(s), Student Government Association (SGA) and Club Cash.
Student Travel Application
The Student Travel Application (STA) is the start of the club travel process. This form should be submitted well in advance of your travel dates (recommended 1 month prior, 3 week minimum). The Student Travel Application only needs to be filled out by one club member per trip. The entire club does not need to fill out the form. Clubs sports will work with Campus Recreation for travel procedures.
Information needed to successfully complete the STA form:
- Destination
- Dates of travel
- Roster of students traveling
- Funding method
- Flight itinerary*
- Vehicle rental information and/or the names of students that will be driving their personal vehicles*
- Lodging information*
- Hotel name, address, phone number
- How many rooms are being reserved
- Name on reservation(s) and confirmation number(s)
- Room rosters
- Rooming roster
- Local hospital information (at destination)
- First and last names of all students that will be traveling and their UCCS email addresses
- All students whose email addresses are entered will be sent a link to the Travel Waiver
- All students that are traveling are required to fill out the travel waiver
- Detailed Trip itinerary
- Dates/times to schedule a pre-trip meeting
*Information can be tentative but you will be required to provide final information before you depart.
Clubs can work with the Student Life & Leadership & Leadership Program Assistant to make lodging arrangements and obtaining airfare quotes from Christopherson Business Travel after the Student Travel Application is approved. The Student Life & Leadership Program Assistant will contact clubs and assist with other travel arrangements as necessary.
International Travel
Clubs intending on travelling international must fill out the International Student Travel Application at least 4 months prior to travel date. Clubs must register with the Global Engagement Office and complete both the Global Engagement and Student Life & Leadership travel procedures in order to be approved to travel. The International Student Travel Application must be approved prior to any university funds spent for travel.
Driving Guidelines
- Drivers should be at minimum 18 years of age
- All drivers and passengers must wear seat belts
- For longer trips (more than 4 hours) drivers should rotate drivers every 4 hours
- No more than 10 hours of driving should be completed in one day
- Driving between Midnight and 5am is prohibited
- Alcohol and drugs are not allowed in any vehicle
- Observe all traffic rules and regulations
- Drive carefully, courteously, and cautiously
- Plan ahead, check the forecast, have a map and directions to the destination in every vehicle
- Drivers are encouraged to pull over to use cell phones or eat
Pre-Trip Meeting
The pre-trip meeting is required for all club members that will be traveling. This meeting will consist of club members and staff from Student Life & Leadership and/or the Dean of Students office. The purpose of the pre-trip meeting is to discuss the trip in detail as well as to review the sexual harassment policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Risk management will also be discussed based on the activities that may occur on the trip. This meeting must be scheduled at least two weeks prior to the travel date or the club will not be approved to travel by Student Life & Leadership.
Travel Waiver
All club members that are traveling are required to fill out the Travel Waiver in Mountain Lion Connect. Club members will be emailed a link to this form as soon as the club contact submits the Student Travel Application in Mountain Lion Connect. Travel waivers must be submitted two weeks prior to the travel date or the individual student(s) will not be approved to travel by Student Life & Leadership.
Travel Approval
The Student Life & Leadership office will only approve club travel once the club and all members that are traveling have completed the above requirements. Student Life & Leadership reserves the right to deny club travel requests if any of the above requirements are not completed in a timely manner.
Links to the travel forms:
Tabling is a great way to get your name or event information out to the student body.
Please see "Tabling" in Section 3 of this handbook for more information.
Banana boards
Clubs can reserve a banana board through the Equipment Request Form on Mountain Lion Connect. Reserved boards can be picked up at the Student Life & Leadership desk. Ask the Student Life & Leadership front desk staff to assist you.
Flyers in the University Center
Flyers may only be posted in designated spaces. A club must first get approval from the University Center Information Desk before posting flyers. The Information Desk also has a list of the designated spaces for flyers.
Rules for posting flyers in the University Center:
- Flyers must have contact information listed on them. This can be a club phone number or email
- Clubs may hang a maximum of 20 sticker approvals
- Flyers may only be posted on designated bulletin boards
- Flyers may NOT be posted on walls, windows or in the bathrooms
Flyers in the residence halls
Flyers must be approved by management before being posted. Please see the Monarch Office for approval.
Rules for flyers in the Residence Halls:
- Flyers are removed on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Remember this before hanging them up
Media Team
The Student Life & Leadership office’s Media Team offers club website help, hosting, and assistance.
If your club is interested in using the Media Team’s services, contact the Student Life & Leadership Web Programmer at slweb@uccs.edu.
Advertising and marketing assistance
Want to know how to market for your event effectively? Need a poster? Contact the Student Life & Leadership Marketing Coordinator at slmktg@uccs.edu.
The Student Government Association has a camera that can be checked out or reserved at the Student Life & Leadership Office during office hours (Monday—Friday 8 am to 5 pm).
Reservations for the SGA camera can be made through the Equipment Request Form on Mountain Lion Connect.
Remember that only registered clubs have access to Student Life & Leadership equipment.
To check out the SGA camera and equipment:
- Clubs will request via the form on MLC. Clubs agree to terms and conditions and to check that all the equipment is there when it is picked up.
- The person who checks out the camera is responsible for returning it before the end date of the reservation.
- Upon return, Student Life & Leadership will inspect the equipment. Students will be held liable for any missing or damaged equipment.
Craft Supplies
The Student Life & Leadership office has many different supplies available for clubs, including large rolls of colored paper, markers, paint, glitter and chalk.
If you are interested in using these supplies, please come to the Student Life & Leadership office. The supplies can be found in the back of the office in the large islands or on the back counter. If you do not find what you are looking for, ask the Student Life Desk staff and they will help you.
Mailboxes are another resource offered to clubs by the Student Life & Leadership office.
All registered clubs receive a mailbox. The mailboxes are located in the Student Life & Leadership office across from the conference room. There is a list located on the wall near the mailboxes that will tell you which box belongs to your club. Mailboxes are for your club’s use and can be used to drop off materials for another club member or for the Student Life staff to place any incoming mail your club may receive. Please check your box to see if you have anything in it. Mailboxes are cleaned out at the end of every semester.
The Student Life & Leadership office will provide your club with 20 copies a day for any club related needs. You can have your agendas printed, your flyers, or anything you need. We cannot print in color, but we do have colored paper to print on if you like. To get copies please come to the office or email us what you want copied. We will place the copies in your mailbox if you are not here at the time they are printed. When asking for prints please give us as many details as possible to make sure that you get what you asked for.
Conference Room
The conference room is a space that clubs can reserve through our office for any club related event or meeting. The Student Life & Leadership conference room can only be booked by the Student Life & Leadership desk staff. Please call, email or come in person to reserve the room. Clubs do not need to be registered to reserve space in the Student Life office. Please include date, time, club name, your name, email and phone number with your reservation.
Club Agreement
Clubs must annually acknowledge the Club Agreement in the yearly club renewal process and any time they submit an update or renewal of their club. The Club Agreement clearly defines clubs under the auspices of Student Life & Leadership and articulates the support provided from the department. The Club Agreement also articulates the responsibilities of the club to the University as well as the University’s responsibility to the club. It applies to all clubs registered with Student Life & Leadership. The full text can be found here.
Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct describes what we expect of UCCS students. It applies to all students while they are at UCCS, regardless of if they are on or off campus.
Club officers are responsible for reporting violations that occur in relation to your club (ex. behavior at a club meeting or event). The full text can be found here.
Most Student Code of Conduct violations are related to alcohol, drugs, and/or sexual harassment.
Club & Organization Code of Conduct
The Club and Organization Code of Conduct describes what we expect of UCCS Student Clubs and Organizations (SCOs). It applies to all clubs registered with Student Life & Leadership. The full text can be found here.
The legal drinking age is 21 years old. It is illegal to provide alcohol to anyone underage.
In Colorado, driving while impaired is defined as a blood alcohol content of .05% if you are of legal drinking age. For underage drinkers, it is 0.02%.
Alcohol is the most common reason students go through the University Judicial process. Not only can alcohol abuse get students in trouble individually, but members’ choices can have a negative impact on your club or organization if behavior gets out of hand.
All drugs (including marijuana) are prohibited on-campus and at University events. This is because UCCS receives federal funding. This ban includes any and all club activities regardless of location.
For example:
The Chess club is traveling to Seattle, WA to attend a conference. Although marijuana is legal is Washington state, as the students are traveling on behalf of a club, marijuana use is still considered a violation of the UCCS Student Code of Conduct.
Good Samaritan Law
In Colorado, if you are actively seeking help for someone who is in trouble from an alcohol or drug overdose, you are immune from prosecution and so is the person you are seeking help for.
For the Good Samaritan Law to apply, you have to be cooperative and honest, as well as follow directions of the responders. This is good for 2-3 people.
Risk Management and Waivers
All registered clubs that participate in any athletic, physical contact, uses outside equipment or at a risk event need to sign a CU Risk and Waiver of responsibility form.
Club Sports fill out waivers with the rec center and may be required to attain a physical and do concussion tests.
Social Media Policy for Clubs
If you are responsible for managing or maintaining a UCCS institutional account, you are required to complete a social media terms and conditions form and attend a training session. The form and training dates can be found at: https://socialmedia.uccs.edu/training.
While UCCS does not limit the private use of social media, it is important to realize that the same laws, professional expectations, and guidelines for interacting with students, parents, alumni, donors, media, and other university constituents apply online as in person. As a university employee, you represent UCCS both in and outside of your office and classroom and are responsible for anything posted on your personal social media sites. Policies and procedures include but are not limited to:
Process for Approval (MLC Registration Form)
Clubs must follow the UCCS Policy and register any social media via the MLC form.
The MLC form can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/forms.