Clyde's Five

What is Clyde's Five?

Clyde’s 5 is a program assisting students to track their engagement and receive recognition for your out of class involvement. It also assists students who may not know how to get involved with a menu of involvement opportunities available.  

What are the Perks of the Clyde’s 5 Program?

Upon completion of each domain, students will receive recognition through the university by receiving various perks. Once a student has completed the entire program, they will be recognized at the student leadership award ceremony (ROAR awards) and receive their Clyde’ 5 graduation stole. 

How does the program work?

  • Students have their entire college career to complete the program. It is made up of 5 thematic areas/tracks of co-curricular opportunities (events, programs, initiatives, clubs, activities, etc.) in order to help students experience the most well-rounded and holistic experience outside of the classroom. The tracks are:

  • Traditions and Belonging

  • Holistic Wellbeing

  • Everyday leadership

  • Social Responsibility

  • Global Engagement

  • Students must complete 5 different experiences in each track in order to receive a perk for completion. Three of the 5 experiences are already outlined for students, while students have seven other options to be counted toward completion of that specific track.  

Traditions and Belonging Track

The Traditions and Belonging track of the Clyde’s 5 program helps students become involved in some of UCCS’ largest and most popular campus traditions. To complete this track, students must fulfill the three preset required experiences, and may select an additional 2 other experiences.  

Required Experiences 

  1. Attend any 5 Clyde’s Kickoff activities/events  

  2. Attend any 4 DisOrientation Week activities/events  

  3. Attend any 3 Winter Welcome Week activities/events 

Optional Experiences (Students may select any 2,and are encouraged to complete more!) 

  1. Attend any 2 Homecoming Weekend activities/events  

  2. Attend “Mountain Lion Mania” 

  3. Attend the annual Spring Semester Significant Speaker Event 

  4. Attend and participate in any 2 University Center sponsored activities/events 

  5. Attend our university athletics traditional events. (These events include, but are not limited to, “White-out Night, Black-out Night, and Storm the Stadium”) 

  6. Attend any 4 weekend events/activities sponsored by Student Life (Roaring Weekend Events) 

  7. Attend any 2 events held during the Roar Daze week program.  

Clyde's Five Traditions and Belonging with paw print in the middle

Holistic Wellbeing Track

The Holistic Wellbeing track of the Clyde’s 5 program assists students with personal wellness that extends beyond physical and emotional wellness. It includes career wellness, social wellness, financial wellness, environmental wellness, and intellectual wellness. To complete this track, students must fulfill the three preset required experiences, and may select an additional 2 other experiences.  

Required Experiences 

  1. Attend Clyde Kickoff’s “RecFest” event.  

  2. Join any student club/organization.  

  3. Attend De-Stress Fest, held the week prior to finals week in the fall and spring semesters 

Optional Experiences (Students may select any 2, and are encouraged to complete more!) 

  1. Attend a club sport competition/event.  

  2. Attend the sorority and fraternity sponsored event “Meet the Greeks” held during DisOrientation Week.  

  3. Attend an event sponsored and hosted by the Student Outdoor Learning Experience (SOLE) Center 

  4. Attend a UCCS Career Fair, held by the T-Rowe Price Career Center.  

  5. Participate in a Clyde’s Kickoff focus group, held in September and October of every fall semester.  

  6. Apply for a student employee job at UCCS.  

  7. Attend a wellness center event, training workshop, and/or program.  

Clyde's Five Holistic Well Being

Everyday Leadership Track

The Everyday Leadership Track of the Clyde’s 5 program presents involvement opportunities to help students grow and advance leadership skills needed inside the classroom, outside of the classroom, employment positions, student organizations, and in experiences beyond UCCS. To complete this track, students must fulfill the three preset required experiences, and may select an additional 2 other experiences.  

Required Experiences 

  1. Attend and participate in a UCCSlead Game Changer Session 

  2. Attend and participate in the UCCSlead Student Leadership Conference 

  3. Run for a leadership/executive board/captain position within a student club/organization.  

Optional Experiences (Students may select any 2 and are encouraged to complete more!) 

  1. Attend a Student Government Association senate meeting 

  2. Serve as a Clyde’s Kickoff Engagement Leader during Clyde’s Kickoff Week.  

  3. Join and serve on the Significant Speaker Student Planning Committee for a year.  

  4. Apply for a lead student employee position at UCCS.  

  5. Attend a Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Program  

  6. Serve as a Clyde’s Guide and/or a mentor within the peer mentor collective.  

  7. Apply for admission into the Chancellor’s Leadership class.  

Clyde's Five Everyday Leadership

Social Responsibility Track

The Social Responsibility track of the Clyde’s5 program allows students to extend their UCCS involvement to create a greater impact for internal and external communities. This track offers multiple opportunities for service, volunteerism and civic engagement, while also allowing room for you to create your own experience. To complete this track, students must fulfill the three preset required experiences, and may select an additional 2 other experiences. 

Required Experiences 

  1. Attend and participate in UCCSlead Day of Service/Activism. 

  2. Vote in the annual Spring Student Government Association Elections.

  3. Attend Club Fair 

Clyde's Five Social Responsibility with a Paw print in the middle

Global Engagement Track

The Global Engagement track of the Clyde’s 5 program introduces and expands upon education and opportunities to advance the university’s priority of cultivating equity, diversity and inclusion in all initiatives and functions. This track features club and organization programs, trainings, workshops, focused around advocacy and expansion of knowledge in DEI-related topics. To complete this track, students must fulfill the three preset required experiences, and may select an additional 2 other experiences.  

Required Experiences 

  1. Attend the annual event “CultureFest.”  

  2. Attend monthly heritage programs held by the MOSAIC office and supporting groups.  

  3. Attend and participate in a MOSAIC workshop/seminar/event 

Optional Experiences (Students may select any 2, and are encourage to complete more!) 

  1. Join a multi-cultural or identity-based student club/organization.  

  2. Submit a workshop proposal for the annual student leadership conference focused on DEI.  

  3. Attend the Roar Daze Drag show 

  4. Participate in an MLK Days Service and Action event/program.  

  5. Attend a Pride Week event  

  6. Attend a Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workshop/program.  

  7. Attend a Study-Abroad information session.  

Clyde's Five Global Engagement