Joe Ziegler
Touring Musician - Leftmore & Custom Artist - TwoLeft Custom Shoes Class of 2007Biography
Favorite CLC Memory
The VOC trip in August of 2007 was one of the most memorable experiences of my entire life, not just within CLC. The opportunity to shape a lasting part of the Colorado landscape, getting to know some of the greatest people I've ever met, and becoming engrossed in the volunteer service were outstanding components of one of the greatest weekends in my life.
Advice for CLC Scholars
Be receptive to the opportunities and lessons that CLC provides. Actively pursue your passion, even if it changes throughout your time at UCCS. Realize that while CLC is a class, by definition, its tenets are also great guidelines for everyday living. The lessons you will learn because of CLC are lifelong if you let them be. I learned more from being in the program than I did from my scholastic involvement at UCCS, and I continue to learn because of what I learned in the program. I can easily say that CLC was the most important, enjoyable and fulfilling part of my college experience; and, it remains one of the pillars of my everyday life. Cherish every lesson you learn from CLC (some are harder to recognize as pertinent lessons than others...), because it will help shape you forever if you let it.
Undergraduate Education
Major: Applied Communication