Isabella Polombo

Isabella Polombo

Isabella Polombo

Major: Communication, Minor: Women's and Ethnic Studies, Leadership Studies


Isabella Polombo is currently majoring in Communications with an emphasis on Leadership and Professionalism, and she is minoring in Women's and Ethnic Studies and Leadership Studies at UCCS. Isabella is an active member of the campus community, serving as a Resident Assistant (RA) in the dorms, Co-Founder of Clyde's Clothing Corner, and an advocate for the Period Product Dispensers resolution. She is also involved in the Student Health Advisory Board, LAS Peak Ambassadors, Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc., and the Student Government Association. Her professional goals include becoming a Community Development Specialist and working on developing sustainable solutions for accessibility to basic needs, such as housing, food, health care, and period products. Additionally, her long-term ambition is to become a United Nations Ambassador. In her free time, Isabella enjoys hiking, swimming, and playing with her adorable dogs and cats.