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Andrew Kelley

Graduate Student and Teachings Assistant - Binghamton University Class of 2011


Favorite CLC Memory

VOC (Volunteers for outdoor Colorado) is always a fun trip, and the one we did during the Fall of my senior year was particularly memorable. One night, a few scholars and I decided to climb up a hill directly across from where our tents were pitched. As is usual for Colorado nights, the sky was perfectly clear, but since we were far from any cities, the stars were lit up! Hanging out with fellow scholars and enjoying the beauty of God's creation - yes, this would be it. David, King of Israel, (a former shepherd boy) got it right when he wrote in Psalm 19, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands..."

Advice for CLC Scholars

In CLC you're given many opportunities for growth; take advantage of them. Right now you have a team of people who are there to help you grow. Be thankful, and make the most of it.

Undergraduate Education

Major: Mathematics